Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Exact Nature Of My Wrongs

"We are only as sick as our secrets."

It's not easy for me to always share with another person the exact nature of my wrongs, though I do it to stay happy, joyous and free! Do I have to tell the whole world? Um, heck no! Some people take my wrong personally and it could potentially create even more harm. I try to keep it simple.

If I do wrong, it eats at me like a disease. This feeling always creates an emotional hangover- so not fun! It's a great indicator though, a red flag waving, that I also need to amend the wrong or harm done. Cleaning my 'house' will cleanse my soul, lift my spirit and maybe it will positively affect another persons' life as well.

How I choose to turn a wrong into a right is my choice, though I always pray for guidance and strength for action first. The end result is usually a freedom from my own self-delusion and a break in a self-destructive pattern...which brings me closer to God and to my fellows. Then, I can look in the mirror with ease instead of negative judgement, guilt, anger or self-deranged Poor Me-s (all that keeps me stuck).

I may always have a smudge of regret here or there, though I give myself permission to learn, grow and move forward. Accountability helps me to stay grounded in reality, instead of wishy-washy in fantasy.

I thank all of my mentors who taught me this new way to live. It sure does beat the old way!

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