Friday, June 21, 2013

How Does Happiness Work?

“Just for today, I will be happy."

This assumes to be true what Abraham Lincoln said: ‘Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.’

“Nobody’s life is all dark and cloudy. Let’s look for the brighter and happier things in it. This often helps to make the clouds disappear!" 
-One Day at a Time

When I was in a depression after the death of my marriage, I recieved some great advice. My counslor said, "Take a look at yourself in your down time. Sit with the feeling of lonliness. Then, ask yourself a very important question, 'Who do I want to be in 10 minutes?'. That might change your attitude and perspective."

Depression is real. A dis-ease of the mind. When I experienced loss and pain, it took a lot of work on my part to make changes. And I'm a stronger woman because of it.

So how does happiness work for me? I believe by asking for guidance from others who've experienced the same pain (went to a divorce group), making a change of patterns, helping another, and by loving myself by taking action to be a new me.

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