Saturday, May 25, 2013

Enjoying Life...What It's All About!

As I sit here this morning at the Gopher State Round-Up, I'm feeling so much gratitude! Grateful amongst the laughter, uplifting morning conversation, wisecracks and ex-drunks who have all had less than 5 hours of sleep. There might be more than 8,000 people here today, as there were last year. Today, life is oh so good!

In my past, morning conversations usually did not include topics of patience and true caring of others, but rather "Oh my God, did you see so-and-so last night? Totally blew chunks all over the dance floor!"...and I'd often hear stories about who I fell on, hurtful or stupid things I had said the night before, or just not want to wake up for fear of the hangover.

The enjoyment of life, for me (especially towards the end of my drinking career), used to be based on whether or not I found a party, lots of alcohol to last until I passed out, big and little lies to be more 'likeable', a preoccupation with getting what I want when I wanted it and cute men to help my self-esteem up off the ground. I had no concern of God's will, gratitude, humility, deep interest in the lives of others, or loving myself. That's how it was.

Today, the way I enjoy life is different. For me, sobriety is a gift and I'm ready for this day of more smiles, laughter, inspiration and experiences shared of strength and hope from thousands more who are in agreement! Woohoo!!

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