Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Opening Up-What Is This Here To Teach Me?

Trusting that the nature of the heart and mind can be
-then are- 
limitless, boundless, open, free of prejudice, free of bitterness, free of bias…
open to many more possibilities 
than of the past;
then the perception of humanity changes.
Every moment to have choice,
To open up or shut down.
Seeing others,
As I see myself.
The ability to stand in someone else’s shoes with ease can and will occur. 
The bitterness dissolves and emotional honesty comes into fruition. 
Fears will slowly drift away.

There is so much power and authenticity,
In a simple pause,
In multiple deep breaths,
In quieting the mind,
In stopping negative thoughts from circling,
Round and round creating bitterness,
To embrace curiosity about everything,
To be penetrable,
To be calm and peaceful,
Being present to emotions,
All as they rise up,
And no longer validating,
That which is nothing-ego and pride,
Though they have taken me on a ride,
To opening the heart,
Not missing a moment,
To listen 90% of the time,
Talking the other 10% ,
To be slow to react,
Leaving the childish ways behind,
And through any of the chaos,
To ask: "What is this here to teach me?"

All of the above is my aspiration. To me, it makes life more meaningful and worthwhile.

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