Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Anger Spoils My Insides. The Effects? Retaliation.

Retaliation: To return like for like. Evil for evil.
Anger: An emotion that comes from ones own psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or denied with a tendency to react through retaliation.

We all know what anger is, and we've all felt it: whether as a fleeting annoyance or as full-fledged, spitting, eye-popping, red-faced rage (Scary! But I'm guilty of it.).

Anger is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. BUT when it gets out of control even for mere seconds in my life and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in my personal relationships, and in the overall quality of my life. And it can make me feel as though I'm at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion.

When I feel like I’m misunderstood by someone, not heard or not being treated with fairness or kindness, I usually get angry and retaliate. It’s important for me to remain calm and clear-headed inside of the anger so I don't have spoiled insides or a huge emotional hangover...but I definitely don’t do this perfectly. Anger is a baffling emotion and, when expressed, usually ends with a crash! Boom! BANG!! It’s sometimes difficult for me to remember that, especially when my judgment is being clouded by fear of not being understood, heard or loved.

Ultimately, when fear blocks and trumps love, I get angry. Though hopefully I don’t do too much damage, repair the outer and take my own inventory (inner) as quickly as possible. Usually, I humble myself and make an amend. Sometimes this hurts my ego, though I care too much to let pride win. Life and time are too precious to me.

I am responsible for keeping my anger in check, nobody else is. I also do not have to accept anger from anyone. It's okay for me to walk away. Confrontation with anger never ends well.

I try to look for the good: I'm still learning how to love fully and how to be open to being humbled. I'm also still growing in the strength to stand up for myself...something I was not so great at for many years.

1 comment:

  1. Emotions are part of human nature, all of them are healthy when handled well. Unfortunately, anger is usually the hardest to handle and can be the most destructive to us and all in our lives when not handled well.

    Of course, when I stumble upon scenarios where by blood begins to boil, I'll do some praying, try to imagine what my God's will would be for me in that situation. I may not know His will completely but I know He would rather have me love and be kind than be hateful and angry.

    I also try to imagine my spiritual and emotional health as like a gas tank in a car. That tank needs to maintain a certain level to function properly. It's pretty easy to maintain that level when we are running efficiently. Efficiency meaning focusing on the things that bring us happiness, contentment, piece and serenity. Once we've become somewhat established in the program, finding those things can be easily found because we know where to find them (through AA, God, family, friends, hobbies, etc...).  Those things take very little energy to pursue and accomplish. When we are sad, angry, jealous, those emotions drain our tank pretty quick, they consume a large part of our energy very quickly (no efficiency) and then I get all out of whack.

    Point being, the negative emotions are extremely draining and should be addressed aggressively so they don't empty our "tanks" too quickly. So we can get back to the stuff the keeps our "tanks" at a healthy level and firing on all cylinders! :)

    Just my 2cents, the way I kinda see it. Take care!
