Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Temp temp tempTATIONS!

Temptations are a great way to look inside and face addictions, feelings and fears as they rise up. I believe they pop up as warnings from the soul. I can heal or remove what’s creating the temptation before it affects the lives of others and creates chaos in my own. In order to do that, I have to embrace feelings and emotions…oooo…scary! Ha! Though, what an empowering experience to say NO! I AM GOING TO DO IT DIFFERENTLY!

I’ve heard it been said that temptations are a gift, an opportunity to make an easier path for yourself. That they act as a red-flag warning saying, “Hey, YOU! You have an opportunity to change here. You’re on the edge of performing in a way that will harm others and yourself. Turn back now and figure out how you got here. Look inward and do the emotional work. Proceed and people will get hurt.”

When I make a choice, any choice, I create a new future for myself. Wow. Every decision I make is a cause that has an effect! Pretty remarkable that God gave me free will…with a heart, soul and conscience for direction. Absolutely miraculous. Not sure, though I think He probably laughs when I blame Him from time to time for my stupid choices and falling into temptation.

If I follow through with temptation:
For me, it might feel good though only temporarily. I'd have to continue similar stubborn behaviors over and over for the same "high"...ultimately, I'd crash and burn while bumping into others.

I have to be honest with myself and do the work-emotionally draining as it may be. What void am I filling here? Do I feel unlovable? Am I stuffing sadness? Will I be more whole as a person if I do _ _ _ _(temptation)? This temptation will always persist and I will become increasingly powerless until I look it square in the face.

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