Sunday, March 9, 2014

Russell Brand & Lindsay Lohan on OWN Network

Just finished watching Oprah Prime's First Look: Russell Brand on Addiction and LINDSAY on the Oprah Winfrey Network. WOW!

First Look was amazing. It started with problems of the past and solutions for the future, which is how recovery works. Let's talk about the shame and problems and create solutions instead of grossly staying stuck in the problems. Also, the inside look of Hudson, WI's (a city not too far from where I live) heroin addiction statistics and young deaths due to overdose was raw and personal.

Russell Brand was spectacular! He nailed addiction on the head with these truthful statements: "For me, I couldn't cope with being me" and "I looked to solve inner problems with external things."
Click here for the video:

Thank you OWN Network for this bold prime special!

LINDSAY, the new docuseries which follows the life of actress Lindsay Lohan after getting out of a 90-day rehab facility in Malibu, blew my mind! It was a compassionate mixture of understanding and love infused with dramatic chaos.

Lindsay is filmed dealing with manipulation, lies and trying to find out how she can be 'normal' in a world that is anything but. The chaos was heightened due to the fact that, after all, this is television, but also that she is a celebrity trying to rebuild her life from the ground up under the never-ending questions and camera flashes of paparazzi. Chaos and resentment could be triggering for any addict/alcoholic, or it could be used to fuel creativity.

My concern for her is that she is not remaining calm or trusting herself in her new-found, present state of living a sober life. It's a process though and it can takes years to get to that peaceful state of balance and letting go. As long as she continues to put sobriety and all it encompasses first --not the industry or what others may or may not think of her-- I have faith that she will progress and begin trusting the process of recovery.

Rooting for you Lindsay!
Click here for videos and social insights:

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