Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spiritually Flatlined To Spiritually Alive

There have been many times in my life where I have spiritually flatlined. I am grateful for these dark, pivotal moments for they have shaken me with strength and infused faith to becoming spiritually alive!

Some of the wisest people I've had the pleasure of knowing call these times a test of faith, and I agree. In experiencing the trials inside of darkness, I now see that, unlike years ago, I zip like a bullet, determined to find the light! Then I look back at where I recently was and say aloud "Thank you."

My 12-step program has taught me that to sit in the ancient emotions of pain, anger, jealousy, not being good enough or guilt, I am choosing to be spiritually flatlined. This is detrimental to my well being and my usefulness to others. I have purpose in being here, as I believe everyone does. So would my Higher Power, which I choose to call an all-loving God, want me to feel this way? Heck no! So, I do the work to release the emotions. For 'Faith, without works, is dead' resignates inside me. I've realized time and time again that I feel undoubtedly better when I take action and step outside of my comfort zone.

Being honest, fearless, clear and consistent, I am able to look at my part and clean up any wreckage as best as I can. I am not striving for perfection but rather progress. That feels easier on my soul and keeps me spiritually alive, not flatlined.

Faith only gets me so far. I have got to own my part and do the work.

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