Monday, April 21, 2014

Experience With Inventory & Sharing

Someone just asked me what the point of taking my complete inventory of myself and sharing it with another human being and God was. I responded with, “So I’m resentment-free with peace of mind and closer to my creator. Secrets are gross! Also so I don’t ever have to look for relief in a bottle or drug.”

The word resentment means to re-feel and, essentially, to re-play the pain. What I personally see on a daily basis is resentment keeps everybody not well. This has been proven millions of times over and over again in all recovery programs and churches around the world.

I understand that sharing with another person, and God frees, us. I also have faith that doing so clears paths in minds to hear and feel God's wisdom, power and love. Where there was once anger, pain, hurt and bitterness (from resentment at ourselves, others or even God), there is now a clearing.

How about for you? I'd love to hear your experience with inventory and sharing! Please click on profile to email me directly. Also, if I may share your response...please let me know that as well.

Thanks beautiful ladies and handsome gents!

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